Horten has assisted the Danish private equity fund CataCap with the acquisition of the Danish industrial company NLM Vantinge A/S.

NLM Vantinge handles by- and waste products as well as the production of feedstuffs and is active on the European market.

CataCap is a Danish private equity fund investing in SME's and with a primary focus on investing in businesses that are innovative and sustainable and have high growth potential.

Horten advised CataCap on all legal aspects of the transaction. Horten's M&A-team consisted of Troels Rømer, Iben Møller Vollesen, Frederik Vest-Maagensen, Søren Hornbæk Svendsen and Mikkel Primdal Kæregaard.

Read more about the transaction here:
NLM Vantinge and Catacap enter partnership


Iben Møller Vollesen


Frederik Vest-Maagensen

Director, Attorney

Søren Hornbæk Svendsen


Mikkel Primdal Kæregaard

Partner, Co-Chair of the Board