Experience and expertise in corporate criminal law

Horten has experience in all types of cases concerning violation of special legislation (financial regulation, working environment, environment, food control, etc.) and in relation to financial crime against companies or white-collar crime committed by a company's managers or employees.

Our expertise includes both activities directed against the company and activities carried out by the company itself. We assist with investigating potential criminal activities (bribery, embezzlement, etc.) and serve as defence counsel in case of charges being brought against companies or persons attached to the company (e.g. in tax cases).
This has mainly been cases concerning e.g. fraud, criminal breach of trust and other offences against property, tax fraud, price manipulation and insider trading, food legislation and other special legislation with serious sanctions. Our criminal lawyers conduct the various cases in cooperation with Horten's specialists within e.g. public regulation, banking and finance, tax law and employment and labour law.

Our clients

Our clients are not limited to one specific group; everybody may be placed in a situation where charges are brought against them or others. Our assistance is therefore aimed at companies, public authorities and those acting on behalf of companies or public authorities as well as individuals. 

What we do

  • Defence
    • Defence of individuals and companies in connection with charges in corporate criminal proceedings
    • Defence in case of violation of special legislation in cooperation with the specialist departments
    • Defence in criminal proceedings
    • Assistance in case of claims for disclosure of material, seizure and other measures

  • Prevention
    • Assessment of the company's conduct in relation to criminal law and special legislation Does the company comply with legislation?
    • Advice on and establishment of whistleblower schemes
    • Guidance on measures against corruption and bribery
    • Assistance in connection with practice on Corporate Responsibility, anti-corruption, etc.
    • Immediate help in connection with Dawn Raids

  • Prosecution
    • Assessment of potential criminal conduct by employees, cooperation partners or others
    • Assistance in connection with reporting of potential criminal conduct to the police
    • Claims for damages in criminal cases
    • Assistance in connection with detection of stolen funds

Our corporate criminal law team

Peter Helbo Langsted
