Experience and expertise within state aid

Our experts have wide experience predicting and handling the often rather complicated state aid issues. We have assisted a number of municipalities and regions with the state aid implications of large infrastructure projects. We take a proactive approach and focus on the recent development by holding courses and writing articles about state aid.

As a supplement to our legal expertise, we are capable of handling and providing advice in a political environment. We have thorough insight into the political processes and many years' experience conveying a legal message to an audience which does not necessarily have a legal background.

Our clients

Our clients within state aid are primarily municipalities, regions, public companies and other entities in receipt of public funds. We also have experience advising private enterprises which (often inadvertently) have received state aid.

What we do

We assist with assessing:

  • Whether a given measure constitutes a state aid;
  • to which extent it is important to notify the Commission; and
  • whether a given support measure may be expected to be approved

Our state aid team

Jesper Petersen Bach


Andrea Hilt Dyrby


Marie Løvbjerg

Director, Attorney

Trine Louise Balleby Dahl
