Horten has assisted Folkesparekassen with the merger with Middelfart Sparekasse.

Folkesparekassen is headquartered in Silkeborg, which will become part of Middelfart Sparekasse, and branches in Odense and Aarhus, which will be merged with Middelfart's branches in the same cities.
As part of the merger, Folkesparekassens Fond provides substantial funds and with an object of promoting a sustainable balance between nature, man and economy.

With the acquisition, Middelfart Sparekasse's customer base will increase from 85,000 to 95,000, while increasing by approx. 7 % when measuring on economy.

Horten has advised Folkesparekassen in connection with the merger with a team consisting of Lise Lotte Hjerrild, Claus Bennetsen, Birgitte Toxværd, Søren Toft Bjerreskov and Christian Vesterling.

Read more about the transaction:
Middelfart Sparekasse fusionerer med Folkesparekassen (article in Danish)
Første gang siden 1853: Middelfart Sparekasse køber konkurrent (article in Danish)


Lise Lotte Hjerrild


Claus Bennetsen


Christian Vesterling

Director, Attorney