Horten has contributed to establishing the new national network for assets management called Asset Management Danmark. The association’s statutory general meeting took place on 4 November 2019.

30 companies attended when the statutory general meeting of the association Assets Management Danmark was held on Monday 4 November 2019 at Copenhagen Airports A/S.

The eight companies taking the initiative to the association are all working targeted with assets management as a principle of management. The purpose of asset management is to create additional value based on physical fixed assets, and it is still a new principle of management in Denmark.

Horten assisted with the drafting of the new association's by-laws, and attorney René Frisdahl Jensen chaired the statutory general meeting.

The association’s objects are:

  • To extend knowledge and understanding of asset management based on internationally recognised standards and principles (ISO55000).
  • To develop and share knowledge and experience of asset management across sectors, businesses and educational institutions.
  • To promote international cooperation to further develop asset management.
  • The founding companies are Copenhagen Airports, Ørsted, Sund & Bælt, Energinet, N1, BIOFOS, Horten and Reliasset.


Klavs Gravesen

Partner (L)

René Frisdahl Jensen

Partner (L)