Anne Louise Ellingsøe advises on issues relating to public law, including municipal and administrative law. Anne Louise further advises municipalities on whistleblower schemes, including the set-up of whistleblower schemes and handling of specific whistleblower cases.

In addition, Anne Louise has experience conducting legal investigations, including collecting, reviewing and systematising large quantities of written material and preparing and conducting interviews. Anne Louise also has experience drafting written reports and publications.

From her former employment with the Law Department of the Ministry of Justice, Anne Louise has special competencies within public law, including in relation to general statutory interpretation. Anne Louise has in-depth knowledge of the Act on protection of whistleblowers as she participated in the drafting of the bill until its adoption. This work has also given her experience advising on issues relating to whistleblowers, both questions relating to whistleblower schemes within the private sector and the public sector. Through her employment with the Law Department, Anne Louise has also dealt with constitutional questions and questions relating to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Anne Louise also draws on her experience from working in a politically managed organisation.