We are very proud to announce that partner Lise Lotte Hjerrild was re-elected to the top management, the so-called Management Board, at the recently held annual IBA conference in Mexico City.

In this way, Lise Lotte Hjerrild can continue her work on her key issues as the highest-ranking Dane ever in the international organisation.

Since she was first elected in 2022, Lise Lotte has focused on various UN Sustainability Development Goals ("UNSDG's"), including the #16: Justice & strong international institutions, #17: Partnerships for goals and #5: Gender equality -agenda. In addition, as an ESG expert, she has a special focus on #11 and #13: Environmental sustainability and climate action ("ESG"). She is thereby committed to upholding the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Equal Treatment, ESG and to modernize the legal profession.

What do you appreciate the most about being re-elected to the board?

"Making a difference, not just for the members of the International Bar Association, who are of course very important and include the national bar associations, the individual members and the group members, but also by upholding the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Equal Treatment and other UNSDG’s.

"One of the projects that I am very happy to be able to continue is in cooperation with the World Bank ensuring a better access to justice for women in particular in 3rd world countries. Another is to continue driving the IBA Male Champions for Change Ambassador Corps which I am very impressed by. This includes working with leaders of the world’s leading law firms & inhouse leaders setting the pace and sharing better practices on how to achieve better gender equality."

What is the challenge when participating in an international forum at that level?

"In an international context, you need to understand and appreciate the various cultures and historical backgrounds that people derive from. That said, there shall be no room for bending the Rule of Law or the wish to uphold basic Human Rights. Change is always difficult. It is human to wish to stick to “the known”. My mission has all the way been – and will continue to be to change the IBA and the legal profession and the world to the better ".

About IBA

The foremost organisation for international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Established in 1947, shortly after the creation of the United Nations, with the aim of protecting and advancing the rule of law globally, the IBA was born out of the conviction that an organisation made up of the world's bar associations could contribute to global stability and peace through the administration of justice.


Lise Lotte Hjerrild
